It Likely Rained All Through The Night In My Corner Of Accra

Flooded Roads?: C’Lawrence went from watching TV to sleeping on the couch around 11:30pm, while it was raining. Woke up around 5am and it’s still raining. Read More


 By C’Lawrence


C’Lawrence Has Phobia For Strong Chemicals, And Asked One Last Question To Rat Poison Seller

Scary Rubber Bag!: Stopped a rat poison seller to get some for a rat at a new mini warehouse we got. After buying, he dipped his hand into the “basket of poisons” to get a black nylon bag to pack it for me Read More


 By C’Lawrence


Okada Rider Speeds To A Speed Bump Before Trying Desperately To Apply His Break

Bump-To-Air: Looks like he wanted to do aeroplane style, from bump to air, but his guts failed him at the last second. Read More


 By C’Lawrence


25 reasons running is better than the gym1,25 reasons running is better than the gym2, 25 reasons running is better than the gym3

Just for you: An average one-hour weight-training workout at the gym burns about 300 calories. The typical hour-long run burns about twice that. Test. 


 By C’Lawrence

25 reasons running is better than the gym

Just for you: An average one-hour weight-training workout at the gym burns about 300 calories. The typical hour-long run burns about twice that,” explains American Council on Exercise-certified personal trainer Tammie Dubberly, a running coach with Whole Body Fitness in Portland,


 By C’Lawrence